Part 2 Is On!

Longer, Bigger, Harder!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

14er Project Part 2 Pregame

After needing to talk myself into the 14ers project last year, trying to get ready for this year's project could've gone one of two ways. Either, I would fall prey to that little voice saying, "Do you really want to give up sleeping in, bike rides to the coffee shop, and lounging in the grass reading books?" or I could say heck yes. I'll give it all up! While my summer leading up to these two weeks were very different than last summer, my motivation to get out and wander needed no cajoling. Last summer was solitary and the 14er project felt like a personal expedition to climb mountains and find open spaces to think. This summer, I planned, got excited for and set off to the hills with Jeff Sanders: a climbing partner and partner in crime. There are many things that can test a relationship and two weeks in the car, sweating, farting, waking up early, eating cold food, and most importantly walking outside, could certainly qualify as a test. Without ruining the stories that follow, I can tell you we passed the test and found ourselves in fits of laughter, moments of anxiety, learning situations, chased by mosquitoes, and on the other side: even better friends and partners.

Why does the pirate like to climb 14ers?
All of the arrrrrrrduous hiking!

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